Redacción Mag

Un milagro de vida. Jade Davis es una mujer de 36 años de California, Estados Unidos, que fue diagnosticada con un agresivo cáncer de mama hace algunos meses. A pesar de haberse sometido a varias sesiones de quimioterapia durante su embarazo, su hijo pudo nacer completamente sano.

Según contó la hermana de Jade, Jasmine, fue durante el primer trimestre de su embarazo que encontraron un bulto en su pecho. Los médicos la diagnosticaron con cáncer de mama triple negativo en fase II, el más difícil de tratar, por lo que le advirtieron que su hijo no sobreviviría al tratamiento.

Jade, según mantiene la hermana, buscó todas las soluciones posibles y dio con Loma Linda Cancer Center, un lugar en donde los doctores lograron salvarle la vida no solamente a ella, sino también al bebé.

"Los doctores los salvaron a los dos, Bradley nació y sobrevivió al cancer y a la quimioterapia con su mamá. Está sano y es hermoso. Él es su milagro", escribió la chica en Instagram.

"Estoy orgullosa de ella, no solo porque haya sobrevivido al cáncer, sino cómo ha cambiado su perspectiva sobre la vida. Su corazón está lleno de gratitud y humildad debido al camino que ha tenido que recorrer estos últimos meses", continuó.

"Los scanners muestran que el cáncer no se ha propagado, pero queremos dejarla un tiempo para que se recupere y pase tiempo con el bebé antes de su vuelta total al trabajo", agregó.

La mujer terminó su publicación animando a los usuarios a compartir la historia de Jade. “Puede ser inspiradora para muchos”, aseguró.

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This is my sister. Instagram is such a fun space for me. I get to share photos of things I love, enjoy and cherish. I share with you often. The laughs, the fun, the smiles of joy, but I left this part of this past year out. Although I wanted to share this with you all, it wasn’t my story to share. My sister Jade is a beauty. She hasn’t had an easy go, she’s made mistakes but she’s been given a gift from God. In her 1st trimester of this surprising and miraculous pregnancy, she discovered a lump in her breast. After Insisting to have it biopsied and advocating for herself, the biopsy revealed her worst fears. Stage 2 Triple Negative Breast Cancer. She was told the baby she was carrying was too young to survive treatments. Carefully weighing options she found #lomalindacancercenter and their wonderful doctors were able to save both of them. Bradley was born and survived cancer and chemotherapy with mom. He is healthy and beautiful. He is her miracle. Without the pregnancy and instinctively advocating for her health and that of Bradley’s, the cancer may have gone unchecked and they both may not be here. I’m proud of her, not just because she survived cancer but the positive perspective she has gained. Her heart is so full of gratitude and humility from the compassion she was shown through out her journey. I’m also proud of the community that has shown her love and compassion. She is incredibly moved by all of it and is being shown a new direction and wants to help others with similar stories. Scans have shown this aggressive cancer did not spread, but we want to give her extra time before returning to work full time. She needs time to heal and recover from the whirlwind year but also to start a new chapter and journey with her baby. Please share her story with someone you may know who needs a little encouragement to keep fighting. We have set her up with a GoFundMe (link in bio) in hopes she can get that extra needed time bonding with him. Please don’t feel obligated but a share, & prayers/good vibes are always appreciated 🙏🏻💗 Again this is my little sister and I’m so proud of her. •VENMO @jadehonestydevis @jadehonestyvazquez

Una publicación compartida de Jasmine Devis (@oilyglowgirl) el

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